Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Stereotypical Guide to Recognizing Majors

Though I have not been at college as long as many other people, I have been here long enough to realize that one of the most common questions that one will be asked is, "So, what's your major?". Around the end of one's second semester of college one quickly tires of hearing and/or asking this question, and frankly, simply doesn't need to ask this question to others because one can already tell what another's major is just by looking at them. The following list is a guide to help to put an end to this needless question, as well as to be able to impress people that you have just met by being able to state their major before you even know anything else about them besides their name:

business/communications - students of these majors are very easy to identify. If one spots a male dressed up very nicely in a tie and suit, he is a business major. However, if a female is dressed very nicely in business atire, she is a communications major. There is little to no leeway here. Briefcases are another obvious sign that one falls within this group.

religion/philosophy - students of these majors tend to have very impressive facial hair, particularly beards. Even the professors seem to follow this trend for some unknown reason. (Note: this does not also apply to females, as they never major in either of these)

mathematics - students of this major are easily spotted thanks to what is known as a 'math sweater'. A math sweater is a sweater that though not considered hideous, comes very close to crossing that line.

kinesiology/exercise science/athletic training - these people are the ones that walk around campus carrying gymbags. They need these to carry around their clothes and equipment for extremely difficult classes such as: badminton, ping pong, tumbling, or bowling. All athletes also fall under these majors. Athletes can be recognized by their obvious lack of being in dress code in class (such as shorts, wife beaters, or sweat pants) or extremely long hair.

Spanish - students of this major can be recognized by their apparel or accesories. Males within this major will almost certainly wear a Latino looking hoodie that they purchased while on their missions trip/family cruise to Mexico, while females will carry a brightly colored striped purse/bag thingy that they got on their missions trip/family cruise to Mexico.

youth ministry/worship - these people can be consistently spotted due to their constant wearing of flip flops and flannel. Hair resembling Justin Beiber or the carrying of a guitar case also classify one as a youth ministry/worship major. Youth ministry/worship majors tend to come out in droves in the warmer months where they can be found all over campus grounds playing guitars and singing to females.

So, here's a very basic list of some very basic majors. Though this list is certainly not exhaustive, these majors tend to comprise the majority of a campus, and are a good starting point for being able to recognize other majors such as engineering. I hope that this comes in handy.

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