So, I just finished my food safety class. Yeah, I didn't really know what that meant either, but it turns out that it's a whole lot of microbiology, something that I've never been very good at but still find fascinating.
I most definitely learned more about norovirus and salmonella than I ever thought possible, but one of the most interesting facts to learn was in regards to E.coli, a bacteria that grows in your intestines, but that can kill you if it gets out into other parts of your body.
To be hospitalized for a case of E. coli has an average cost of $6,922.
Holy smokes.
To be hospitalized for a case of E. coli where the patient suffers from hemolytic uremic syndrome and dies, the average cost is $6,963,826.
That's quite a legacy to leave behind for your family.
Sooooo, the moral of the story?
Wash your hands before you eat, cook your food well (particularly beef), and make sure your water is clean. Your family will thank you.