Something in the news caught my attention today. It was a story about a murder, and being that it was a story about a murder in China, I was instantly hooked. Upon finishing the story I was shocked. Basically, the story goes as follows: A Chinese woman by the name of Gu Kailai is being tried for the murder of Neil Heywood, a British businessman due to her belief that he had threatened her son "due to a conflict of economic interests" (read "money"). This particular story might not have attracted much attention had it not been for Gu Kailai being married to a high ranking Communist party member, Bo Xilaj, who was about to run for office for an even higher position with more power and responsibility. Unfortunately for Bo, his wife's involvement with the murder has slandered his name, and made his chances of winning office extremely minute. If you ask me, this is where the story gets interesting. Bo was an avid socialist, who believed that China was straying from its original socialist roots towards capitalism. If you take a look at China today, or at the history of socialism/communism in general, you can see that it hasn't exactly been the kindest ideological movements regarding Christianity.
It makes me wonder whether this is God protecting His people who are in China right now. Who knows what would have happened had socialist principles been further instilled and enacted upon the Chinese people? Would we have ended up with even more widespread, and more severe punishment of our brothers and sisters in China? I'm not sure, but the story of Joseph does seem to parallel this story. And though I do realize that I am certainly no expert on this particular piece of news, and probably never will be, and I also realize the danger of applying things from the Bible out of context and to where they don't belong, I think that this actually fits. Joseph's brothers took him and sold him into slavery in Egypt, meaning to be rid of him forever. It turns out that Joseph became the second in command of Egypt, eventually saving the lives of thousands. God had used this evil that man had devised, for good. He used this act of evil to save the lives of thousands. I wonder if this is the same. Maybe God can use even a murder.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. -Genesis 50:20
Here's the link to one of the articles.
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