Wednesday, February 6, 2013


After way too long of a time of being away (Christmas break/mono), I was finally able to go back to juvee again tonight. Enough guys have been in lately to separate back into two pods on Wednesday nights like it used to be, with half of the guys going to the gym, and the other half going to the common area. A group of us went into the common area, and it was awesome. After only a few verses being read the questions started to come in. The guys asked question after question about everything from dreams to evolution to Jesus' coming back. The guys have a sincere interest in what we have to say to them and they demand answers to their questions. This was the first time I've seen the guys open up this much and ask this many questions within the past year. It was awesome, and extremely refreshing. I write this to ask ya'll to continue to pray for a few things:

  1. That the guys will continue to come up with more questions, and think about these things over the course of this week, and that we will have sufficiently prepared ourselves to accurately answer their questions. These guys have a sincere interest in God. Pray that He gives them an insatiable curiosity about Him. 
  2. That God will open these guys hearts to what we have to say, and that they may respond to Him. 
  3. One of the guys (probably around 14 years old) asked us to pray for a safe delivery of his two little babies on the way. They're three months apart. 
  4. These guys would also like everyone to pray for their families. Seeing your son in a detention center isn't the easiest thing out there to watch.
  5. Pray for Marjun. He's speaking next week. 
Please continue to keep these guys in prayer. God's doing awesome things in there, as He's been doing all along, and pray that He continues to do even more.

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