Monday, May 12, 2014

Our Magical Backyard

Our backyard at the moment is a pretty magical place.

I have no idea how absolutely anything that goes on back there happens.

A few months ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of screaming, and red and blue lights flashing through my windows. It turns out that a drunk driver somehow careened into the tree in our backyard, just missing the house.

How this driver even got into our yard is the mystery, as we're a house over from the main road, and the only way the car could have gotten to us was at an extremely awkward angle. Add that to the fact that there were no tire tracks towards the tree, and that the car must have literally bounced/flown into the tree as where it would have left the main road was essentially a cliff, and you have for an interesting night.

This same tree that saved a good bit of our house was later the source of a great amount of suffering on my part.

My attempt to save the ivy-choked, drunk-driver-stopping tree's life only resulted in a late night trip to the emergency clinic (where my insurance was denied, despite the fact that it's ALWAYS worked there. Did the fact that I came in 10 minutes prior to closing mean the secretary probably screwed things up on purpose? Yep, most likely.), 3 weeks of no sleep/being miserable and irritable, and about $200 in medical costs.

Thanks for the poison ivy, ya stupid tree. My entire body was covered in the stuff. ENTIRE BODY.

Anyways, today I woke up to another mystery. 

As I walk toward the bathroom's window first thing in the morning (no, I have no idea why that's a habit either), I noticed this in the back yard.

A tire.

Was it there before? Nope. And no, it did not come from the drunk driver (you're hilarious).

It's just there.

Sigh. Whatever.

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