Monday, July 21, 2014

Exploring Obesity and Waterfalls

Summer classes are almost over! And so, as I grit my way through the last part of my obesity and eating disorders class, tackling group projects with team members currently living in Germany (email tag. I love it.), and reading just about every diabetes paper I can get my hands on, I prepare for the next big fall semester.

What else has been going on?

Welp, other than writing papers on population obesity prevention, we've been spending the past few weekends exploring a pretty sweet waterfall in the local area.

The rocks to the right look little, but they're easily 20 something feet tall. Supposedly there's an underwater cave to the left side of the falls that will pop you up behind the falls. We tried to find it, but a combination of super deep/ice cold/dark water, and just being chickens kept us from further exploring what we thought was it (about 15 something feet down).

Other than that, I've just been working for the hospital and obesity clinic lately. My personal training clients keep suffering from weird incidents like bodywide sepsis, and detached retinas (not from me, I promise!), so client volume is a little down this month, but it'll pick back up. I have faith!

Until then, I guess I'll just keep exploring waterfalls.

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