Sunday, June 8, 2014

To Da Beach!

After about a solid month of straight 60 hour workweeks of training people we retreated to the beach. The first thing that I realized while I was there? I've apparently lost my ability to sleep past 7am. Work's rewired me.

Anyways, we had a blast. The beach was empty, and therefore, beautiful.

Highlight of the trip? Hard to say. Playing Settlers of Catan late into the night with a bunch of awesome people, eating crab legs, teaching my wife how to ride a wave with a boogie board, and finding the store that keeps people like me in business were all pretty cool.
Yep. That's a keg of gummy bears. Note the water bottle for comparison.

I got a nice little break from grad school (kinda. I still spent a good bit of time listening to human metabolism lectures),  and even got to go kayaking a little bit, where I promptly sliced open my fingers on really pointy oysters while chasing a bunch of little crabs.

So, yep. Now it's back to the real world. Two new personal training clients tomorrow! Woot woot!

P.S. Here's a random thought for you: I talked with a guy right before I left who mentioned how aloe vera grows like crazy down in Florida. It got me to thinking. Isn't it cool that God made a plant which does an excellent job of soothing/healing sunburn, and then made it so that little plant flourishes where people are likely to need it?

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