Saturday, August 16, 2014

Oh. Good to Know.

It's 9 in the morning as I walk into work for a personal training session with a new haircut. Before I can even put my stuff down, one of my regular clients sees me.

"Wow. I just want you to know your hair looks much better longer."


Old people. Sheesh. 

Did it bug me? Nope. Seriously, I've become pretty immune to patient comments. Why? Because they literally say stuff like this EVERY DAY (I grew pretty accustomed to this stuff in the nursing home), and usually when it happens I'm pretty excited that I'll have another story to tell my friends about work. 

Like the time I went to the barber shop. The lady finishes cutting my hair, whirls me around in the spinny chair, and proclaims, "Now WHAT are we going to do about those eyebrows?"

Uh, I need stuff done to my eyebrows? Do guys do that? My eyebrows are bad? What do you do to eyebrows?

I've been compared to a worm, told my clothes look ridiculous, etc. etc. 

I swear. I'm lucky I don't need counseling already. 

On the other side, for some reason I tend to remind just about every old white person on the planet about their grandson. This results in all kinds of compliments (at least I think).

"Hey, you look just like my grandson!"
"I do?"
"Yeah! He has dark hair too!"

"You remind me of my grandson! You're both really tall!"

"Hey! My grandson likes the exercise field too!"

I've literally had clients bring in their grandsons before, just so we could meet. 

THAT'S an awkward situation.
Both of us clearly know why the other is there, and the conversation typically goes like this.

"Hey man."
"Hey, how's it going?"
"So...I see you've met my grandpa."
[grandparents whisper loudly in the background, "See!? I told you they'd get along!"]

I think that's one of the things I like about working with people. You never know what you're going to come across next. One day I'll get the opportunity to work with a man who actually stormed the beaches on D-Day, and the next I'll listen to a retired farmer's collection of the corniest jokes known to man. 
(What's Bruce Lee's favorite drink? WAAAATAAAAHH!!)

But for the moment, I guess I'll be content with the unfiltered comments about my haircut. 

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