Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Website That Could Change American Healthcare

If you've opened up a newspaper within the last decade or so, you know that there's been a lot of fuss about the American healthcare system lately.

There's been facts published about how many people don't have access to proper healthcare because they can't afford it. And if you've ever had a procedure done at the hospital, you know that this could be the case.

Hospitals are expensive.

My appendectomy a couple of years back cost well over 20 grand, and that's going to be a pretty tough bill for some people. Granted the surgery did save my life, and without it I would have been dead (me > $20,000).

I'm not gonna get into all of the reasoning hospitals bills are so large, and all that though. Instead, let's just acknowledge that hospitals are expensive.

I bet you didn't know that hospital bills vary WIDELY from one hospital to the next. If you go to the hospital the next town over for your cortisone shot, knee replacement, cath, or whatever, you could potentially save thousands of dollars.


This website, and others like it have the potential to change healthcare as we know it. Why? Two words. Competitive pricing.

Let's say more people find out about They find out that they can get dialysis for 15 grand less a year if they just drive an extra 20 minutes to such and such a clinic. The original clinic starts to lose patients/money, and begins to panic. They make a few phone calls to find out that all of their old patients are going the next town over. A few more phone calls and they find out that that clinic's prices are significantly lower.

The original clinic doesn't want to go out of business, and so, it lowers its prices. Original business had to utilize competitive pricing in order to stay in business. This is the essence of the American free market system.

Competitive pricing is a win-win. The customer (you) get lower prices. The business gets to keep its doors open. Win-win.

So, BEFORE you make your next office visit to the doctor, I highly recommend you check out It could potentially save you a LOT of  money.

Seriously. A lot.

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